Weird Stuff Amazon Does - Woodworker edition

Right then, not that weird to be honest, but slightly spooky? Well, we start with a little weirdness… This stuff is great for finishing off work surfaces, tools and…err… your hair?

The Plywood sheet guide was just included because it was in the same picture square on Amazon, but a handy tool if you’re into working with, and can afford (far out Australia!) plywood.

Get the Plywood sheet book here, get yourself some MinWax Paste Wax Here

The Plywood sheet guide isn’t weird, but the paste wax isn’t a hair product!

These next couple of things (which I own, now, and can recommend as handy additions to any man-shed (or woman shed) aren’t “weird” by any standard, but what was weird was that I had to purchase mine via and then three weeks later they’re being advertised to me as being available on - Just my luck really.

Get yourself a Stanley Stapler

Get yourself all the things that go IN the stapler